Thursday 5 January 2012

Sole Traders: When an individual sets up a business on there own, e.g. plumbers, decorators, window cleaners, and hairdressers .  The people running these businesses work for themselves and remain responsible for the overall business and are actively involved in running it on a daily basis.


  • makes own decisions which can be motivating
  • can make decisions quickly and respond rapidly to changes in the market
  • has direct contact with the market
  • setting up is easy

  • limited sources of finance
  • relies heavily on his or her ability to make decisions
  • limited holidays
  • unlimited liability

Private limited companies:  Has shareholders but its shares cannot be advertised or sold on the stock exchange.  the owners can place restrictions on who the shares are sold to in the future


  • can control who shares are sold to - less chance of takeover
  • decreased media attention, less likely to have to behave ethically
  • less regulation

  • less access to finance, shares are sold privately 
  • less media attention - brand awareness

Public limited companies:  can advertise its shares and can sell them on the stock exchange,  shareholders in public companies can sell there shares to whoever they wish - this can pose a threat as rival companies could try and buy up the shares in a company in an attempt to gain control of it.


  • more access to finance; sell shares to public
  • more media attention; free publicity
  • public assume plc are more successful than ltd

  • subject to greater regulation e.g. have to include more information about their accounts
  • more likely to have activities investigated by the media, may have to behave more ethically
  • more vulnerable to takeover

Franchise:  is the practice of using another firms successful business model, taking a stake in the business, e.g. opening a McDonald's under a franchise and running the outlet


  • doesn't have to take liability for faults, as they are a branch of a business. 
  • has a prepared efficient business plan already
  • provided with a successful business to run - less risk
  • brand awareness

  • a large percentage of profits has to be paid to the franchise
  • running costs
  • location

Partnership: when two or more people set up a business, and run it themselves


  • more access to finance
  • can take holidays as there is someone else to run the business
  • if a partner dies business will not fail

  • Less profits
  • decisions take longer to make

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